September 2023 – Greens Report
Course renovations have been completed and the greens are coming back quickly.
Greens are currently being mowed at 4mm so that means they are still a little slow, however the roller and new heads will be in action next week with lower heights of 3.2 mm, and with rolling every second day the greens will start to quicken up in time for our Open event.
The 17th tee has had its first mow and is looking great. The boys have made a new seat and a new sign will be arriving this month. The tee will be opened the week of the Open.
There has been a new mat purchased for the 6th hole, and members will notice a little change as you can use your own tee with this mat.
The boys have a lot of snipping to carry out this month: dam walls, drainage boxes, drains and around tees and paths.
All sand bins will be painted.
New equipment will be replaced on the course this month, such as new holes, cups, flagpoles and flags.
The Everglades will also have a clean-up. The material piles in the main carpark will be moved and cleaned up to increase parking space. We are currently looking into ideas of types of bays to hold the material.
All hazard lines will be marked and the course will be looking great for the Open.
It has been a very dry month and the team has been flat out hand watering as much as possible all tees and other areas.
Considering how dry it is, I am very happy with the recovery of our renovations, and we will continue to water the course as much as possible while completing all other jobs to be ready for next month.